
What We Do

The Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA) is a registered charity dedicated to advocating for, educating, and supporting Canadians affected by skin, hair, and nail conditions.

Our mission: To improve the health and well-being of people across Canada affected by skin, hair, and nail conditions, through collaboration, advocacy and education.
Our vision: A world where people affected by skin, hair and nail conditions live healthy and fulfilling lives.

To achieve our mission: 

  • We raise awareness about the impacts of skin conditions
  • We educate on a variety of issues affecting skin patients, their families, and caregivers. 
  • We advocate for best care and treatment options for all skin patients.  
  • We facilitate patient engagement in dermatological research.
  • We support and collaborate with our Affiliate Member organizations that work with specific skin patient communities such as those living with acne, scleroderma, melanoma, and psoriasis, as well as our international network.  

Education and Raising Awareness

Too many skin patients suffer in silence.  CSPA highlights the impacts of skin conditions in nationwide awareness campaigns.  The goal of these campaigns is to create and share information that will lead to better understanding, earlier diagnosis, improved health outcomes and quality of life.   

Explore our website to learn about specific conditions, how to access clinical trials, in-depth CSPA national reports, and how we advocate for your rights to care, treatments, and support through our (patient-focused) submissions to federal and provincial policy consultations. 


CSPA also publishes the award-winning national Canadian Skin Magazine!  We invite you to subscribe for a free copy and sign up for our newsletter to keep in touch with us.    

Our Community

CSPA is a hub for all who deal with dermatology issues.  At CSPA, we work closely with our Medical Advisory Board, the dermatology community, and our Affiliate Member organizations to provide you with knowledge and resources that we hope will ease your burden. 

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Charitable Number: 80425 7814 RR 0001

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