
Volunteering with CSPA

“Volunteerism is the voice of the people put into action.  
These actions shape and mold the present into a future of which we can all be proud.”
 - Helen Dyer


VOLUNTEER THANK YOU 3People look to CSPA to gather information, to understand, to speak for patients, and to put plans into action!  As a national organization, focused on skin health as a whole, that is a pretty tall order.  That is why the staff of CSPA relies on a multi-disciplined team of volunteers to stay informed and proactive about developments in dermatology, research, legislation, medication access, education, advocacy and how skin patients are being affected.   

At CSPA, we know the value of our volunteers, and we welcome new and returning individuals who wish to contribute their knowledge and skills to initiatives that benefit the skin patient community.  Administration, goal-setting, finance, medical advice, and informative writing are just some of the ways volunteers make a difference.  If you are impacted by skin disorders or have the desire to learn about and advocate for our patient community, we want to hear from you!  

We invite you to have a look at these CSPA volunteer opportunities.  If you can envision yourself in one of these roles, we invite you to add your name to our list of interested volunteers. If an opportunity presents in your area of interest, a member of our team will contact you.

Kindly follow these steps to be added to our interested volunteers list:

  1. Complete our online Volunteer Application Form, clearly indicating your areas of interest. Once the online form is completed,
  2. Submit your resume or CV to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

  To read about some of our volunteers' experiences, click here.  

Board of Directors

Members of the Board of Directors ensure that the organization is moving forward and achieving its mission and vision. Members oversee the organization’s operations and financial well-being.  They help guide the organization by establishing CSPA’s strategic direction, ensuring compliance and managing risks to the organization.  Board members may also be involved in specific CSPA projects. Board Members must be 18 years of age and are asked to serve for a period of two years, with a maximum of 6 years.

Advocacy Committee

Members of this sub-committee monitor the public policy landscape at the provincial and federal level as it affects skin patients.  They identify opportunities for the CSPA to shape public policy and help implement advocacy strategies and tactics.  The Advocacy Committee welcomes those with experience in legislative affairs, legal or grassroots advocacy and those with knowledge of the issues facing the skin patient community in Canada.  Approximately 2-3 hours per month will be asked of sub-committee members who volunteer to help develop advocacy materials.

Affiliate Members Committee

This sub-committee develops strategies to better serve and engage the CSPA Affiliate Member organizations.  They brainstorm ideas to improve communications, assess needs and identify potential Affiliate Members.  They also provide input regarding CSPA’s advocacy strategy.  

Fund Development Committee

This group develops and revises CSPA’s Fundraising Plan and identifies new potential funders and revenue sources for the organization. They provide recommendations to the Board of Directors on funding and identify opportunities to promote the CSPA’s initiatives in. Those with finance experience from business or the not-for-profit sector are a great asset to this team.

All CSPA committee members serve for a period of two years and can serve for an unlimited number of consecutive terms. These committees meet virtually and may meet in person if the opportunity arises.

Medical Advisory Board

The members of CSPA’s Medical Advisory Board (MAB) represent a cross-section of experts in the field of dermatology from across the country. Members must be credentialed medical or scientific professionals and will be identified based on their:

  • Knowledge or expertise of skin conditions and diseases
  • Area(s) of work or research
  • Geographic location and familiarity with regional health systems
  • Demonstrated commitment to patient care, and
  • Ability and interest to work with patient organizations.

Members of the Medical Advisory Board support CSPA with the provision of medical and scientific advice and guidance related to the organization’s planning and decision-making and the development and publication of electronic and print resources, guides and supports (“resources”) made available to the CSPA community and others through the CSPA website, Canadian Skin and À propeau magazines, and multimedia communication channels.

The Medical Advisory Board may also be called upon to summarize new scientific publications and provide input into CSPA’s strategic direction as it relates to medical issues. Members recommend names of other experts, act as a resource to clinicians in developing a clinician input submission to the Common Drug Review (CADTH), provide advice regarding research directions and may act as an expert resource for media interviews.

Individuals will be invited by the CSPA to participate on the Medical Advisory Board and will be asked to serve for a period of two years. They can serve for an unlimited number of consecutive terms.

Educational Resource Developers

CSPA enlists the talents of healthcare professionals, medical students, and experts in various fields to write or summarize educational content related to skin health. Volunteers may be involved in special projects that require the drafting of educational pieces, research summaries, resources and tools for skin, hair, and nail patients across Canada. They may also contribute content to the CSPA website, its social media channels, and to CSPA’s publication Canadian Skin and À propeau magazines.

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