
Top 10 Skin Research Questions

The skin patient community across Canada worked with researchers and healthcare providers to develop lists of the Top 10 research questions facing their skin patient communities. The CSPA worked with the Skin Investigation Network of Canada (SkIN Canada) and other patient organizations to reach out to patients and caregivers impacted by nine different skin conditions and tell us what the most important questions were for research to answer.


The Top 10 skin research questions 

Inflammatory Skin Conditions    
inflammatory 1080x1080EN atopic

inflammatory 1080x1080EN HS

inflammatory 1080x1080EN psoriasis
Skin Cancers    

cancers 1080x1080EN BCC

cancers 1080x1080EN MCC cancers 1080x1080EN SCC
Skin Fibrosis & Regeneration    
 wounds 1080x1080EN burns  wounds 1080x1080EN chronic wounds  wounds 1080x1080EN scars


How the Top 10 skin research questions lists were made

Researchers designed the rigorous process used to make these lists of Top 10 skin research questions. Feedback was collected from dermatologists and other healthcare providers, researchers, patients and caregivers through this process. 

First, SkIN Canada asked healthcare professionals and skin researchers in Canada which conditions this project should focus on. For example, if a dermatologist saw patients living with a certain skin condition and thought that research would help to provide better care, they could submit that condition to the project. They were also asked to vote on the longer list of skin conditions to create a list of nine specific skin conditions for the project.

Inflammatory skin conditions
Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS)

Skin cancers
Basal cell carcinoma
Merkel cell carcinoma
Squamous cell carcinoma

Skin fibrosis & regeneration
Chronic wounds

Second, patients, caregivers, researchers and healthcare providers were asked what unanswered questions they had about these nine skin conditions. This created nine very long lists. CSPA worked with other patient organizations in Canada to reach out to people who are impacted by each of these conditions. We really appreciate their generosity and support of this project!

Third, patients and caregivers impacted by a specific skin condition (for example, psoriasis) and healthcare providers who treated that condition were asked to rank the longer list of questions. 

Last but not least, SkIN Canada held virtual workshops that brought together healthcare providers, patients and caregivers to discuss and finalize the Top 10 lists for each of the nine skin conditions. In each workshop, there were equal numbers of patients & caregivers and healthcare providers.

The result is a Top 10 list of research questions important to people in Canada about each of the nine different skin conditions. Thank you to all of those who participated in this project. We couldn’t have done this without your hard work! 


If you have questions about this list or how to get involved as a patient research partner, please let us know at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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