
Affiliate Membership

We are the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA). Our mission, as a national non-profit organization, is to improve the health and wellbeing of people across Canada affected by skin, hair, and nail conditions through collaboration, advocacy, and education. Our vision is a world where people affected by skin, hair, and nail conditions live healthy and fulfilling lives.

The CSPA's Affiliate Members are Canadian not-for-profit patient groups and organizations that support people impacted by conditions affecting the skin, hair, and nails. By working together, we can strongly advocate for the needs of patients across the country and provide comprehensive education and support.

Organizations or local support groups who join the CSPA benefit greatly by sharing information and having a wider audience. Skin patients and their families benefit by becoming part of a bigger community and gaining access to information about treatment, care, and research in skin disease.

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Charitable Number: 80425 7814 RR 0001

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