

Why is advocacy even necessary?

Historically skin patients in Canada have remained silent and hidden, and as a result skin patients have poorer access to specialists, to treatments and to medications – all of which, if improved, would go a long way to improving the quality of life for millions of Canadians, and would even contribute to the saving of lives.

Isn’t advocacy really radical?

As Canadians, we tend to shy away from the word ‘advocacy’ – somehow we seem to feel that it’s too radical, too noisy, too… unseemly. Perhaps we believe that as skin patients, we don’t deserve any better? But, of course, truly we know we deserve to get the same level of treatment as do all other Canadians- anything less would be discrimination.

So, what is advocacy?

Advocacy is simply about getting relevant information on a given issue to those elected to make decisions about it. The information they need involves both objective facts and subjective stories. You, the patient, are oftentimes the most important and accurate source for this information.

At CSPA, we believe that if our policymakers really could understand what it feels like to live with a skin condition, they could and would make decisions that would positively affect our lives.

Skin patient charter graphic, brown man behind text

Skin Patient Charter

You have rights. Click here to learn more about your rights as a skin patient.

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Advocacy report, photo of 3 black and brown people, with one being a woman in business clothes speaking decisively to them.

Advocacy Reports

CSPA frequently produces special reports on the experiences of specific skin, hair, and nail patient communities. By better understanding patients’ experiences in Canada, we can identify ways to address the many challenges that skin patients face. We share these reports with policy makers in Canada because we believe that if our policymakers really could understand what it feels like to live with a skin condition, they could and would make decisions that would positively affect our lives.

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Black man holding a red hear indoors

Awareness Campaigns

CSPA runs awareness campaigns across Canada to raise awareness about different skin conditions and the impacts they have on our mental health and well-being. Click to learn about our campaigns.

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man submitting paperwork to another person, background of office windows.

Policy Submissions

As a part of our advocacy work, CSPA often prepares submissions on consultations run by governments across Canada on important topics that affect skin patients. Click to learn more about the advocacy work we do with different levels of government.

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canadian parliament peace tower with blue skies behind it

Position Statements

CSPA has produced position statements on matters that concern access to treatments and quality, affordable and effective health care for people across Canada. Click to learn more about what we believe in.

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