The Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA) is proud to honour the memory and legacy of Tanny Nadon (1941-2016) by recognizing individuals who go above and beyond in their role of caregiver to a person impacted by a skin, hair, or nail condition.
CSPA is proud to announce Yvonne Gerard as our 2023 Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award recipient. Click on the video to hear Yvonne's story in our Spotlight series.
CSPA's 2023 Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award Recipient
Bob thought the spot on his head was caused by an insect bite. When the area wouldn’t heal, a trip to the doctor revealed a much more concerning diagnosis: melanoma. That 2012 medical visit was the beginning of a journey that changed his and his wife, Yvonne’s lives, forever.
Unfortunately, Bob’s initial melanoma was followed by a diagnosis of the melanoma metastasizing directly to his brain, and he was advised to get his affairs in order. However, Bob did not accept his prognosis and told Yvonne that he wanted to live. Yvonne intensified her efforts; she was not only Bob’s caregiver — she would also ultimately be his champion! Bob credits Yvonne with saving his life.
Yvonne tells the story of how an introduction to the Save Your Skin Foundation (a CSPA Affiliate Member organization) guided her to the patient resources and information she needed to navigate the complex healthcare system. Most important, it led her and Bob to the medical team and treatment that led to a cure. Yvonne’s compassion and physical presence every step of the way (she took early retirement) also provided Bob with the comfort and security he needed to persevere. To this day, Yvonne continues to educate herself on the most current advances in skin condition management and treatment options in order to make informed decisions about Bob’s care. She generously shares her knowledge with others, too, as a patient advocate supporting those struggling with skin cancer.
Yvonne is a retired computer programmer/analyst. She and Bob reside in North Vancouver and have been together over 23 years. The Gerards are ever grateful to Kathy Barnard, founder of Save Your Skin Foundation for her invaluable guidance and support.
Save Your Skin Foundation:
Tell us about a caregiver in your life who has made a difference!
The CSPA invites you to nominate a friend or a family member for our Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award and Spotlight. A recipient will be chosen based on the following criteria:
- Dedication to providing assistance that goes beyond tending to physical needs
- Compassion and strength (i.e., an individual whose efforts have an extraordinary impact on those for whom they care)
- Problem-solving techniques
- Use of services available to patients or caregivers in the community (Ex. attending support groups or information sessions to help manage the condition, get to medical appointments, etc.)
- Approach to staying educated about the condition
Award & Recognition
The recipient of the Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award will receive:
- Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award Certificate
- Embroidered CSPA blanket
The recipient will additionally be featured on CSPA’s communication channels in our SPOTLIGHT: A Caregiver’s Story series. He or she will also be interviewed, if possible, with the patient to whom they provide care or with the individual who nominated them. The Caregiver Story will be featured in some or all of the following CSPA, as well as other media outlets:
- Social media posts
- Newsletter article
- Website
- Short video(s)
- Public news outlets (via a CSPA press release)
How to Nominate a Caregiver
To enter, please complete the online nomination form.
Nominations for the Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award are accepted one time per year. They will be evaluated by a CSPA committee with one recipient chosen per year. The following is the projected schedule* for nomination deadline and the notification of award recipients:
Nomination Deadline: October 15 (12 midnight ET)
Notification by: December 1
*The CSPA reserves the right to change these dates without notice.
Past Tanny Nadon Award Recipients
2022 - Hazel Booth
CSPA's 2022 Tanny Nadon Caregiver Award Recipient
John Hart suffered a workplace accident 28 years ago that left him with third degree burns to forty percent of his body and the loss of two limbs. Despite living hours away, John’s sister Hazel became one of his biggest champions. From hospital to the present day, Hazel has been in John’s corner through every new venture and has always been ready with hugs when needed or with cheers of joy in times of success. Hazel traveled to burn survivor conferences, run by the Mamingwey Burn Society to lend her support to John. She then joined that organization as a committee member, and she spends many hours working to make sure John and other survivors get the support they need. Hazel has kept informed on issues that matter to survivors by attending the conferences, by learning from medical professionals, and by keeping current with literature such as CSPA’s Canadian Skin magazine.
Hazel resides in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She is blessed to be the mother of four, a grandmother of six and a great grandmother of two. Hazel retired from the Mayo Clinic as an Anesthesia Assistant and volunteers as a conference registration coordinator for the Mamingwey Burn Society.
Mamingwey Burn Society:

Tanny Nadon (1941-2016)
As a dedicated and selfless volunteer, Tanny Jean Nadon (1941-2016) inspired countless people whom she met throughout her life. She is remembered as a true team player who was always inclusive.
Tanny’s support of the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA) dates back to its early days. She was a founding member of the Alberta Society of Melanoma, which became one of the CSPA’s first Affiliate Members, and was a devoted volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Action Network, the Cross Cancer Institute and other service organizations. Her vast experience in the non-profit sector allowed her to provide invaluable counsel and led her to author CSPA’s very first Application for Affiliate Organizations as well as the first Code of Ethics.
Tanny was known to speak her mind and to be a voice of reason who helped build consensus at the discussion table. She was an innovative leader who worked hard behind the scenes and helped shape the CSPA in its formative years.
Tanny’s inherent ability to connect with others was welcomed by Alberta’s dermatologist community, paving the way for patients and healthcare providers to work in tandem to find better ways to support people with skin conditions. In recognition of her many contributions to healthcare, Tanny was presented with the Alberta Medical Association Medal of Honour in 2011. This achievement was a source of great pride for the Nadon family.
Beyond her organizational talents, Tanny was described as fun, humble, and the epitome of a caregiver. On more than one occasion, her kindness was extended to patients whom she assisted with travel to treatment centres for their appointments.
Tanny’s legacy as a devoted volunteer in the areas of patient advocacy and mentorship lives on and continues to inspire us all!