
Strategic Plan

In October 2021, the Canadian Skin Patient Alliance (CSPA) engaged consultants Leah Stephenson and Nicci Stein to conduct a strategic planning process for the organization. Using a SOAR framework (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results), stakeholders were asked to identify CSPA’s key strengths and assets, any external opportunities that exist for CSPA to leverage those strengths, what CSPA aspires to and desires to be in the future, and how success will be defined.

Consultations with stakeholders included individual interviews with key informants, an online survey in both official languages, and two focus group discussions – one with CSPA staff and one with Board members of the organisation. The same set of questions, developed using the SOAR framework, were used across all consultation methods.

The feedback gathered through the consultations was analysed to identify common themes across stakeholder groups as well as differences between stakeholder groups. At a planning day in March 2022, the CSPA Board and staff considered the feedback from the consultations and identified four strategic priorities to provide overall focus and direction for the work of the organisation over the next five years. They also updated CSPA’s vision and mission.


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