
Are you a ...

  • government ward
  • an inmate in a provincial correctional facility
  • a low-income resident of a long-term care facility or
  • a resident receiving provincial income support?

If yes, you are probably eligible to receive full public coverage of all prescribed medicines that are listed on the Saskatchewan Drug Formulary after you pay a $2 (per prescription) co-payment.

Note - Eligible children and youth (under 18 years old), low-income residents of long-term care facilities and adults with multiple long-term prescriptions have no cost-sharing obligations. If you are temporarily unable to pay the required amount, the Emergency Assistance for Prescription Drugs Plan offers temporary support to allow required prescriptions to be filled. Requests for coverage must be made by your pharmacist. If you are approved, you can receive up to a month’s supply of covered prescription medication at a reduced cost. The level of assistance provided is in accordance with your ability to pay.

The formulary is available publicly, and it is possible to search it by inputting the name of the medication to see if it is covered. If your medicine is an Exception Drug Status (EDS) benefit, please click here to learn more.

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