

  • Possible separation of nail from nail bed
  • Buildup of white, green, yellow or black debris under the nail
  • Discoloured nail bed and foul odour
  • Whitening or yellowing of the nail
  • Thickened and crumbling nail
  • Numbness, tingling or pain


  • Redness, pain and swelling
  • Abscesses (pus-filled cavities) may form
  • Duration is usually acute but chronic paronychia has symptoms lasting more than six weeks
  • Symptoms usually occur at the side of the nail fold
  • Occasionally the entire horseshoe of skin around the nail is involved
  • Green colouration of the nail indicates a Pseudomonas bacteria infection

Ingrown nails

  • Redness, swelling and tenderness
  • Pain during walking or running
  • Corners or sides of nails digging into soft tissue

Other symptoms can indicate a more serious underlying condition. The following are some common signs to watch for when examining your nails:

Nail appearance

Potential cause

White spots on nail

Mild trauma; may indicate infection

Thin, reddish-brown vertical lines under the nail

Damage to blood vessels in nail bed

Clear, jelly-filled bubble at nail base

Cyst that requires removal

Dark spots, streaks

Injury; if no injury, melanoma (skin cancer)

Pits, ripples, discoloration; crumbling and separation from nail bed

Psoriatic nails accompanying psoriasis

White nails

Liver diseases 

Half of nail is pink, other half is white 

Kidney diseases

Thick, yellow nails; slow growth

Lung disease

Nail bed is red

Heart conditions 

Nail bed is pale


Yellow nails, slightly pink at base


No nail, thick nail, curved nail

Congenital deformities

Triangular half-moon at base of nail, thumb nails partially absent

Nail-Patella Syndrome

Concave, spoon-shaped nail

Plummer-Vinson syndrome

Rough, pitted opaque nail

Alopecia areata

Horizontal white lines

Abnormality in blood vessels beneath nail; may point to other conditions such as pellagra, Hodgkin disease, sickle-cell anemia