
Principles of Working with the Pharmaceutical Industry

The CSPA is proud to work with a variety of funders, all with the goal to improve the quality of life for Canadians living with skin diseases, conditions and traumas. This includes many pharmaceutical companies that play the crucial role of bringing new treatments for dermatological conditions to the market.

Recognizing the value that pharmaceuticals bring to skin patients and to avoid conflicts of interest, the CSPA follows guiding principles with regards to interactions with the pharmaceutical industry:
The CSPA welcomes the opportunity to partner with pharmaceutical companies, with honesty, transparency and accountability at the core of all relationships.

  • We will always put the best interests of people living with skin diseases, conditions and traumas first.
  • The CSPA will be transparent about its relationship(s) with pharmaceutical companies to all stakeholders and list all funders on our website.
  • We believe that patients should be informed about all treatment options and will endeavour to do so, but we will not endorse any specific medication or course of treatment.
  • The CSPA will accept funds from pharmaceutical companies provided that there is an agreement about the nature of the funding and that the CSPA owns any and all intellectual property. The company will not influence directly or indirectly any content or communications as a result of the funding.

The Canadian Skin Patient Alliance recognizes the important contribution of all of its sponsors. However, this is in no way an endorsement of any product or treatment.  The CSPA is solely responsible for all content in our publications and online.

The CSPA fully endorses the Canadian Consensus Framework for Ethical Collaboration developed by Innovative Medicines Canada in collaboration with the Health Charities Coalition of Canada, Best Medicines Coalition, the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nurses Association and the Canadian Pharmacists Association.

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