
Do you need prescription coverage assistance, but have no access to any other public or private prescription coverage programs?


If yes, then you must register for provincial coverage before you would be eligible for benefits. After your registration is approved, you should be eligible to receive full public coverage of all prescribed medicines that are listed on the Nova Scotia Formulary.  However, you will have to pay an annual deductible (which you can calculate using the online calculator), plus a 20% per prescription co-payment. There is an annual maximum for the co-payments. The deductible and annual maximum rates are determined based on your annual family income. 

Note – Costs for prescriptions that are not formulary benefits do not count as part of the calculation of annual maximum deductibles and/or co-payments

The formulary is available online and is updated regularly. 

If your medicine is identified as an exception drug status benefit, please click here to learn more.

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