
About SkIN Canada

Skin conditions are a leading cause of overall disability and death in Canada. Canadian researchers have made substantial contributions to address the heavy burden of skin disease, but much of the work is conducted in relative isolation by a dispersed community of scientists and clinicians. The creation of the Skin Investigation Network of Canada (SkIN Canada) plans to expand the critical mass of skin research expertise, create new collaborations, and enhance skin health through innovation. We have brought together patients and an interdisciplinary team of leading researchers and clinicians across the country who are tackling the mechanistic, clinical, health systems, and population health questions for a broad range of skin conditions.

The vision of SkIN Canada is to promote novel and high quality research that is guided by advice from patients and that improves the skin health of Canadians. The Network’s mission is to advance skin research in Canada by creating a national forum, guided by patients, to strengthen collaborations and capacity in the skin research community. The Network will be managed through a formal governance structure that includes patients, researchers, and healthcare providers.

SkIN Canada Strategic Aims
Strategic Aim 1: To develop and strengthen national infrastructure that will empower research teams to operate with greater scale and efficiency;
Strategic Aim 2: To identify priority research questions and create novel, multidisciplinary collaborations involving new teams of researchers, patients, and knowledge users;
Strategic Aim 3: To grow the community of successful skin researchers by developing talent across academic ranks and training levels.

SkIN Canada Disease Areas of Focus
There are three disease areas that the network will focus on. However, we expect that connections made among patients and researchers through SkIN Canada may also lead to interesting research questions and additional projects outside of these three disease areas of focus.

  1. Inflammatory skin conditions
  2. Wound healing, skin fibrosis and regeneration
  3. Skin cancer

Research and the CSPA


researchThe CSPA is committed to supporting research in Canada for skin-related issues. Ongoing research often results in new treatments, a greater understanding of the physical, psychological and social consequences of skin disorders and changes in how health-care resources are allocated. The CSPA believes that everyone benefits when patients, health-care practitioners, researchers and decision-makers have access to information about skin disease studies and treatments. This section of the website contains summaries, and in some cases, full reports, relating to skin disorders. The information provided here has been written in an accessible language we believe you will find helpful and easy to understand.

What's New in Research 

Each issue of Canadian Skin Magazine features an article about the top stories in Research written by Dr. Jan Dutz.  

These articles are posted for you here:

 Volume 1 issue 1        Volume 1 Issue 2        Volume 1 Issue 3        Volume 1 Issue 4

 Volume 2 Issue 1        Volume 2 Issue 2        Volume 2 Issue 3        Volume 2 Issue 4

Volume 3 Issue 1        Volume 3 Issue 2        Volume 3 Issue 3        Volume 3 Issue 4

Volume 4 Issue 1 (Coming soon!)

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CDF support and matching CSPA funds. The CSPA has earned a “Life Patron” status from the CDF by matching donations made to the CDF (up to $2,000 per year).


Patient Research Partners

Patient Research Partner Opportunities with SkIN Canada

SkIN Canada is excited to welcome patient research partners to shape how research on skin diseases will be fostered across Canada. This is different from being a research subject. A research subject participates in research by agreeing to be part of an experiment whereas a Patient Research Partner works with researchers to help them understand patient perspectives as they:

  • Build research networks
  • Create and design biobanks
  • Organize clinical trials for skin diseases
  • Train students and early career researchers to work with patients and on issues that are important to patients, and
  • Help share the results of research with patients and the public.

Role of Patient Research Partners in SkIN Canada

Patient research partners will be asked to:

  • Provide insights on patient & public perspectives and prioritizing research questions
  • Provide advice on planning, implementing, and evaluating the Network activities, including the Patient Engagement Workshop and grant competitions
  • Participate and contribute in face-to-face and telephone meetings to provide specific insights based on their experiences (or that of people they represent) in relation to a specific skin condition
  • Review documents related to Network activities and submitted research proposals
  • Review documents to be shared with the general public and offer suggestions for revisions
  • Contribute to dissemination of the results of Network-related activities and research by reviewing strategies and materials
  • Provide feedback and recommendations for further work to promote patient engagement
  • Provide support in recruiting additional patient research partners, as needed

Expectations of Patient Research Partners

  • Value the advancement of skin research and be interested in contributing to research
  • Timely respond to emails and participation during face-to-face or telephone meetings
  • Respect diversity and different opinions
  • Work collaboratively with other team members, as well as other Network committees
  • Respect and maintain confidentiality
  • Have a working understanding of the purpose and general concepts of research – please note that CSPA will provide training throughout the year and at the annual conference & patient engagement workshop.

 Key requirements

  • Screening interview by phone
  • Sign the confidentiality agreement


Should you wish to receive an honorarium, SkIN Canada will provide one based on the hours you have participated, according to the patient research partner compensation and reimbursement policy.


The CSPA will support Patient Research Partners to expand their knowledge about research. You don’t have to know everything about how research works in order to make a valuable contribution! The CSPA will provide updates and training to patient research partners as part of PAC meetings and at the annual conference & patient engagement workshop.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out this questionnaire.

Call for Expressions of Interest

Are you interested in how research questions are chosen, how research is done and how patients can contribute to research? There are several opportunities to be a patient research partner with SkIN Canada.


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