
Diagnosis and Treatment


Doctors are able to confirm a diagnosis of impetigo by assessing the distinct red sores. There are usually no need to conduct laboratory tests. Sometimes, doctors may inspect the liquid from the sores to determine specific types of antimicrobial treatments that could be prescribed.


Impetigo can heal by itself over the course of several weeks without any scarring left behind, but specific treatment options are usually necessary and will help relieve discomfort associated with the condition.

Two main treatments options are commonly prescribed:

  • Topical antibiotics – They come in the form of creams or ointments and can be applied only to particular areas as deemed fit.
  • Oral antibiotics – These are prescribed for large bullae such as those found in bullous impetigo, when the affected areas are extensive or when topical antibiotics are not helping.

Other options in conjunction with standard treatments:

Some studies have shown that non-antibiotics treatments like disinfectant soaps could help relieve some discomfort. Wet compresses some 20 minutes twice a day may help dry out the lesion faster. Hydrating creams or lotions can also help alleviate symptoms.


  • Wash hands - Good hygiene is the best way to avoid infection
  • Keep nails clean and trimmed
  • Minimalize skin contact with those infected, or refrain from touching objects used by the affected individual
  • Avoid scratching any infected regions to prevent the infection from spreading

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