
Shed the Shame 2021

It’s tough to have a skin condition. The impact of living with a skin condition is much more than “skin deep”, though. The weight on the emotional and mental health of people affected, and especially those who are children and youth, can be profound.

Imagine not being able to take a hot bath or shower, or go swimming with friends, or participate in your favourite sports. Imagine having to avoid wearing certain types of clothing and not being able to eat some of your favourite foods.

When you know better, you do better. The Shed the Shame campaign is dedicated to creating awareness of the social, emotional and mental health impacts of living with skin conditions, diseases or traumas. It is hoped that all Canadians will have a better awareness of all the effects of skin disorders and can be more sensitive toward and connected to individuals with one.  

The 2021 Campaign aims to take those quiet whispers about people living with visible skin conditions and bring them out into the open and encourage conversations!  So #ShedTheShame and click on the image to share your story.

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The Canadian Skin Patient Alliance is grateful for the support of the following for helping make this campaign happen. 

 AbbVieLogo Coated  novartis  ucb
 algonquin college logo  The students of DIG Agency in Algonquin College’s Advertising program

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