
Affiliate Members

A number of organizations work together with us to improve the lives of skin patients and their families in Canada.

20 0550 ABOUTFACE Logo STACKED RGB EN Alberta Lymphedema IMAGE

Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada logo Eng


Alberta Lymphedema

Acne and Rosacea
Society of Canada

BC lymp camp liberte


      BC Lymphedema    

Camp Liberté                  

Canadian Alopecia Areata

cbsc cap logo RGB

Chronic Urticaria official logo

Canadian Burn Survivors

   Canadian Association    
        for Porphyria  

 Canadian Chronic Urticaria

CPN Logo 150 canadian skin cancer logo


Canadian Psoriasis Network

     Canadian Skin Cancer     

DEBRA Canada                        

Copy of Eczema Quebec ESC LOGO TMMC15


Eczéma Québec                            

Eczema Society of Canada             

Fire Fighters Burn Fund                      

HS and Me logo HS Heroes logo

Mamingwey 2022

Hidradenitis and Me                         

HS Heroes                                          

  Mamingwey Burn Society                    

MNC myositis


Melanoma Network
of Canada

    Myositis Canada  

Society of Ontario

SYSF Logo Eng Fre CMYK Logo BC png

SSC logo

 Save Your Skin

Association of B.C.                  

                Scleroderma Canada

scleroderma manitoba 5654c7f1461fdSSO Logo 2015

sjs tens

Scleroderma Manitoba        

Society of Ontario                  

    Stevens-Johnson Syndrome

1200255348642514.7u72gYPsC52C9mV8ZFwJ height640  


Tumour Foundation of BC





20 0550 ABOUTFACE Logo STACKED RGB ENWe’re here for advice and support. We provide education and we’re a useful source of information. And we also see it as our role to generate as much public awareness and understanding of what living with a facial difference means to those affected. We had to sum up what AboutFace:

AboutFace ENCOURAGES – We believe knowing you are not alone is the first step in embracing the journey.

AboutFace EMPOWERS – We believe building on strength and character helps develop a sense of purpose.

AboutFace EDUCATES – We believe education is critical to nurturing understanding and acceptance.

About Face Infographic

Alberta Lymphedema Association

Alberta Lymphedema IMAGEThe Alberta Lymphedema Association (ALA) is a charitable organization founded in 2003 by a team of people who recognized the need to help people living with, or at risk of, lymphedema. A learning association committed to the ongoing education of its stakeholders, ALA works to make a difference and empower affected individuals and their families to help manage this condition. ALA works from the patient standpoint.


Alberta Lymphedema Infographic

Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada

Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada logo EngThe Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada’s mission is to improve the lives of 7 million Canadians suffering from acne and rosacea by raising awareness and by providing independent, reputable information. Our society comprises dermatologists, educators, communicators and patients. Since acne and rosacea appear on the face in most people and affect appearance, there can be significant emotional distress in addition to the visible signs. There may also be permanent skin damage such as scarring.

For in-depth information on acne please visit our website www.AcneAction.ca (bilingual). For information on rosacea, please see our www.RosaceaHelp.ca site.  

Acne and Rosacea Society Infographic

BC Lymphedema Association

The BC Lymphedema AssociationBC lymp is the provincial resource for promoting healthy and hopeful living with lymphedema.   Our goals are to build awareness across BC and provide information about lymphedema and available treatment/management options.

 BC Lymphedema Infographic

Camp Liberté

camp liberteCamp Liberté Society provides a summer camp experience for Canadian children with moderate to severe skin conditions. Campers are provided an opportunity to grow in confidence and self-esteem through a multi-cultural outdoor camping experience in a fun, safe, bilingual, environment.

Campers return from Camp Liberté with more confidence, a greater appreciation for nature, and long-lasting relationships.


Camp Liberté Infographic

Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation

canaafOn behalf of Canadians who have been diagnosed with alopecia areata, the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation supports those affected by alopecia areata, promotes awareness and education of this auto-immune disease and raises funds for research.


Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation Infographic 

 Canadian Burn Survivors Community

cbscThe Canadian Burn Survivors Community (CBSC) is a community comprised of burn survivors, firefighters, burn unit staff, and advisors who have come together to offer support and education to any person or people that have been affected by burns. 

 Our main objective is to help support the development of the psychological well-being of burn survivors in Canada.  We provide an avenue for the sharing of materials and programs in our quarterly newsletter, we try to assist in the prevention of burns in Canada, and we encourage professional development of firefighters, health care providers, and anyone affected by the trauma of burns in Canada. We ensure that there is a conference held every second year in Canada so that burn survivors can come together to share their stories and heal. 

Canadian Burn Survivors Infographic

Canadian Association for Porphyria

cap logo RGBThe mission of the Canadian Association for Porphyria/Association Canadienne de Porphyrie is:

  • to deliver evidence-based information and support to patients with porphyria, their families, health care providers and the general public across Canada
  • to achieve standards and evidence-based comprehensive care for all people with porphyria throughout their lifespans.

Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society

Canadian Chronic Urticaria SocietyChronic Urticaria official logo is a group of specialists, and patients with chronic urticaria, that aims to:

  1. improve the health and quality of life of people dealing with chronic urticaria;
  2. find ways to support the advancement of knowledge and research on chronic urticaria;
  3. search for relevant, updated information on chronic urticaria, validate it, and make it available;
  4. influence decisions within the medical community, governments, and other stakeholders;
  5. raise awareness of this condition;
  6. inform and train medical staff so they can diagnosis correctly and better refer patients to the specialists they need.


Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society Infographic

Canadian Psoriasis Network

CPN Logo 150We are the Canadian Psoriasis Network (CPN). Our goal is to improve the quality of life of all Canadians who are living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis while vigorously pursuing a cure. Our mission is to provide all current information on treatment and continuing care through education, outreach, research and leading by example.

Infographic for the Canadian Psoriasis Network

Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation

The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundationcanadian skin cancer logo has a vision: a world without skin cancer! Because skin cancer is a highly preventable disease we believe we can achieve this vision through education around awareness around prevention and early detection. Our mission statement is: To prevent and eradicate skin cancer through education, awareness, advocacy and research.

DEBRA Canada

DEBRA Canada DEBRA Canada LOGO FINAL HR CMYK   We stand together for Canadians affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) in raising awareness, supporting the community through our programs, services, education, advocacy, and research.


Debra Canada Infographic

Eczema Québec

Copy of Eczema QuebecEczéma Québec was created as a branch of the McGill University Hospital Network Center ofExcellence for Atopic Dermatitis. It is a network of patients and healthcare practitioners, and it was created to build resources based on international best-practice guidelines. Eczéma Québecaims to partner with patients to improve education and experience of care, to increase knowledge of atopic dermatitis by researching disease factors, as well as to promote awareness and the health of our population.

Eczema Society of Canada

Eczema Society of Canada ESC LOGO TMMC15(ESC) is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians living with eczema.  Our mandate includes eczema education, support, raising awareness, and research.  To find help living with eczema, contact us.  We're here to help.

Eczema Society of Canada Infographic

Fire Fighters Burn Fund

ffbfThe Firefighters Burn Fund was created in March 1978 and is a registered charitable organization, duly incorporated in the Province of Manitoba. Originally organized by Winnipeg firefighters, the Burn Fund now involves and is supported by members of the Fire Service throughout Manitoba.

The Firefighters Burn Fund is a volunteer-run organization. No salaries are paid to any Board Member or volunteer. The Burn Fund is not a member agency of The United Way, nor does it receive government grants. Therefore, we rely entirely on donations and proceeds from fundraising activities.

The Burn Fund supports ongoing educational opportunities for members of the Burn Team (Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists). This includes continuing educational seminars, conferences, developing research skills, etc.

Hidradenitis and Me

HS and Me logoHidradenitis & Me Support Groupis a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote self-care and awareness.  Organizers facilitate monthly support group sessions via Zoom the last Tuesday of the month (7pm - 8:15pm EST).  Those interested in joining a Support Group session are invited to register/email via the website.  

 When Covid restrictions are lifted, Support Group Sessions will resume, in-person, in Toronto, Ontario as well as online. 

Hidradenitis & Me Infographic 

HS Heroes

HS Heroes logoHS Heroes (HSH) is a volunteer-run, registered, Not-for-profit organization. We are a community and resource for people living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). HSH is dedicated to Education, Awareness, and Advocacy for; 

        • Those currently diagnosed 
        • Those who don’t yet have a diagnosis 
        • Those who don’t have the illness but are caregivers, friends, or relatives of those who suffer 
        • Health care professionals

Infographic for HS Heroes

Mamingwey Burn Society

The Mamingwey Burn Society IncMamingwey 2022. assists burn survivors in the province of Manitoba in their life-long recovery following a burn injury. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for survivors, their family members, friends and caregivers to come together to share their stories, offer support and learn from one another with the end goal of encouraging healing from the psychological aspects of their unique injuries. We hold annual educational gatherings, offer monthly support groups, and hold our annual “Go for the Burn” Run as a fundraiser and a way to promote fitness and health in our community. 

Mamingwey Burn Society Infographic

Melanoma Network of Canada

MNCMelanoma Network of Canada (MNC) was founded in 2009, to respond to the needs of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients in Canada. MNC is a National organization dedicated to coordinating education and prevention efforts, raising awareness, providing a strong voice for advocacy, and support services and programs for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients and caregivers. MNC works tirelessly to develop and implement programs and offer services to meet the needs of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients and their caregivers from initial diagnosis, through treatment and recovery, and in case of recurrence.

Melanoma Support Services: https://www.melanomanetwork.ca/support/

 Melanoma Network of Canada Infographic 

Myositis Canada

myositisMyositis Canada is a non-profit agency formed in 2015 by people with myositis who wanted an agency dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by myositis. Our mission is a world where each new case of myositis is diagnosed and cured within months, and where full rehabilitation from myositis damage is routine.

MyMyositis describes inflammation or swelling of the muscle tissue. Dermatomyositis includes inflammation of the muscles and the skin. DM is the easiest type of myositis to diagnose because it typically has a visible skin rash caused by inflammation of blood vessels under the skin. The DM rash looks patchy and reddish or purple and is found on the eyelids, elbows, knees and knuckles. Additional rashes may occur on the cheeks, nose, back and upper chest. Some people also have calcinosis, hardened little bumps under the skin. There is a sub-type of DM where the person affected only suffers from inflammation of the skin with no muscle involvement. 

Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario

Neurofibromatosis OntarioNFONLogo 4C raises awareness and supports individuals living with neurofibromatosis (NF) in Ontario. We hold meetings and social events to bring individuals with NF and speakers from the medical community together. We provide a safe environment in person and virtually through social media to provide individuals with NF an opportunity to meet others with this condition and access information.  Through donations received, we also fund NF research.

Save Your Skin Foundation

SYSF Logo Eng Fre CMYKThe Save Your Skin Foundation is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to the areas of skin cancer and skin disease with a focus on education and awareness, research and program development, patient support, and ensuring equal and timely access to treatment for all Canadians. Please visit www.saveyourskin.ca for more information.

Save Your Skin Foundation Infographic

Scleroderma Association of B.C.

Logo BC pngThe Scleroderma Association of B.C. promotes patient outreach, support, and education as well as creates public awareness.  We also continue to raise money for research locally and across Canada. www.sclerodermabc.ca


Scleroderma Association of BC Infographic

Scleroderma Canada 

SSC logoScleroderma Canada serves as an advocate nationally for those affected by scleroderma and works collaboratively with regional scleroderma organizations and the international scleroderma community to achieve common objectives. We are committed to promoting public awareness, supporting those affected by Scleroderma and funding research to find a cure. 

Scleroderma Manitoba

scleroderma manitobaScleroderma Manitoba advocates for the scleroderma community across the province and is committed to promoting disease awareness and improving the quality of life for all patients. 

Scleroderma Manitoba Infographic 

Scleroderma Society of Ontario

The Scleroderma Society of Ontario5654c7f1461fdSSO Logo 2015 is committed to promoting increased public awareness, advancing patient wellness, and supporting research in scleroderma.

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Canada

SJS Canada’ssjs tens vision is to facilitate an umbrella of services for the SJS/TEN patient community in Canada, through health promotion by providing people suffering from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS/TEN), their families, and caregivers with access to related counseling, education, support groups, and information programs

SJS Canada Infographic

 Tumour Foundation of BC

1200255348642514.7u72gYPsC52C9mV8ZFwJ height640The Tumour Foundation of BC is a registered nonprofit charitable organization that has been supporting individuals and families affected with neurofibromatosis since 1984. Through our support, education, and research programs we strive to improve the lives of patients and families living with this genetic disorder. 

Tumour Foundation of BC Infographic

A number of organizations work together with us to improve the lives of skin patients and their families in Canada.   AboutFace Alberta LymphedemaAssociation Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada       BC Lymphedema      Association                 Camp Liberté                   Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation Canadian Burn SurvivorsCommunity    Canadian Association            for Porphyria    Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society Canadian Psoriasis Network      Canadian Skin Cancer     Foundation                  DEBRA Canada                         Eczéma Québec                             Eczema Society of Canada              Fire Fighters Burn Fund                       Hidradenitis and Me                          HS Heroes                                             Mamingwey Burn Society                     Melanoma Networkof Canada     Myositis Canada        Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario  Save Your SkinFoundation                             SclerodermaAssociation of B.C.                                   Scleroderma Canada Scleroderma Manitoba         Scleroderma Society of Ontario                       Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Canada               Tumour Foundation of BC                                                                                            AboutFace We’re here for advice and support. We provide education and we’re a useful source of information. And we also see it as our role to generate as much public awareness and understanding of what living with a facial difference means to those affected. We had to sum up what AboutFace: AboutFace ENCOURAGES – We believe knowing you are not alone is the first step in embracing the journey. AboutFace EMPOWERS – We believe building on strength and character helps develop a sense of purpose. AboutFace EDUCATES – We believe education is critical to nurturing understanding and acceptance. About Face Infographic Alberta Lymphedema Association The Alberta Lymphedema Association (ALA) is a charitable organization founded in 2003 by a team of people who recognized the need to help people living with, or at risk of, lymphedema. A learning association committed to the ongoing education of its stakeholders, ALA works to make a difference and empower affected individuals and their families to help manage this condition. ALA works from the patient standpoint.   Alberta Lymphedema Infographic Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada The Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada’s mission is to improve the lives of 7 million Canadians suffering from acne and rosacea by raising awareness and by providing independent, reputable information. Our society comprises dermatologists, educators, communicators and patients. Since acne and rosacea appear on the face in most people and affect appearance, there can be significant emotional distress in addition to the visible signs. There may also be permanent skin damage such as scarring. For in-depth information on acne please visit our website www.AcneAction.ca (bilingual). For information on rosacea, please see our www.RosaceaHelp.ca site.   Acne and Rosacea Society Infographic BC Lymphedema Association The BC Lymphedema Association  is the provincial resource for promoting healthy and hopeful living with lymphedema.   Our goals are to build awareness across BC and provide information about lymphedema and available treatment/management options.  BC Lymphedema Infographic Camp Liberté Camp Liberté Society provides a summer camp experience for Canadian children with moderate to severe skin conditions. Campers are provided an opportunity to grow in confidence and self-esteem through a multi-cultural outdoor camping experience in a fun, safe, bilingual, environment. Campers return from Camp Liberté with more confidence, a greater appreciation for nature, and long-lasting relationships.   Camp Liberté Infographic Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation On behalf of Canadians who have been diagnosed with alopecia areata, the Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation supports those affected by alopecia areata, promotes awareness and education of this auto-immune disease and raises funds for research.   Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation Infographic   Canadian Burn Survivors Community The Canadian Burn Survivors Community (CBSC) is a community comprised of burn survivors, firefighters, burn unit staff, and advisors who have come together to offer support and education to any person or people that have been affected by burns.   Our main objective is to help support the development of the psychological well-being of burn survivors in Canada.  We provide an avenue for the sharing of materials and programs in our quarterly newsletter, we try to assist in the prevention of burns in Canada, and we encourage professional development of firefighters, health care providers, and anyone affected by the trauma of burns in Canada. We ensure that there is a conference held every second year in Canada so that burn survivors can come together to share their stories and heal.  Canadian Burn Survivors Infographic Canadian Association for Porphyria The mission of the Canadian Association for Porphyria/Association Canadienne de Porphyrie is: to deliver evidence-based information and support to patients with porphyria, their families, health care providers and the general public across Canada to achieve standards and evidence-based comprehensive care for all people with porphyria throughout their lifespans.   Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society  is a group of specialists, and patients with chronic urticaria, that aims to: improve the health and quality of life of people dealing with chronic urticaria; find ways to support the advancement of knowledge and research on chronic urticaria; search for relevant, updated information on chronic urticaria, validate it, and make it available; influence decisions within the medical community, governments, and other stakeholders; raise awareness of this condition; inform and train medical staff so they can diagnosis correctly and better refer patients to the specialists they need.   Canadian Chronic Urticaria Society Infographic Canadian Psoriasis Network We are the Canadian Psoriasis Network (CPN). Our goal is to improve the quality of life of all Canadians who are living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis while vigorously pursuing a cure. Our mission is to provide all current information on treatment and continuing care through education, outreach, research and leading by example. Infographic for the Canadian Psoriasis Network Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation The Canadian Skin Cancer Foundation has a vision: a world without skin cancer! Because skin cancer is a highly preventable disease we believe we can achieve this vision through education around awareness around prevention and early detection. Our mission statement is: To prevent and eradicate skin cancer through education, awareness, advocacy and research. DEBRA Canada DEBRA Canada   We stand together for Canadians affected by Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) in raising awareness, supporting the community through our programs, services, education, advocacy, and research.   Debra Canada Infographic Eczema Québec Eczéma Québec was created as a branch of the McGill University Hospital Network Center ofExcellence for Atopic Dermatitis. It is a network of patients and healthcare practitioners, and it was created to build resources based on international best-practice guidelines. Eczéma Québecaims to partner with patients to improve education and experience of care, to increase knowledge of atopic dermatitis by researching disease factors, as well as to promote awareness and the health of our population. Eczema Society of Canada Eczema Society of Canada (ESC) is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians living with eczema.  Our mandate includes eczema education, support, raising awareness, and research.  To find help living with eczema, contact us.  We're here to help. Eczema Society of Canada Infographic Fire Fighters Burn Fund The Firefighters Burn Fund was created in March 1978 and is a registered charitable organization, duly incorporated in the Province of Manitoba. Originally organized by Winnipeg firefighters, the Burn Fund now involves and is supported by members of the Fire Service throughout Manitoba. The Firefighters Burn Fund is a volunteer-run organization. No salaries are paid to any Board Member or volunteer. The Burn Fund is not a member agency of The United Way, nor does it receive government grants. Therefore, we rely entirely on donations and proceeds from fundraising activities. The Burn Fund supports ongoing educational opportunities for members of the Burn Team (Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists). This includes continuing educational seminars, conferences, developing research skills, etc. Hidradenitis and Me Hidradenitis & Me Support Groupis a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote self-care and awareness.  Organizers facilitate monthly support group sessions via Zoom the last Tuesday of the month (7pm - 8:15pm EST).  Those interested in joining a Support Group session are invited to register/email via the website.    When Covid restrictions are lifted, Support Group Sessions will resume, in-person, in Toronto, Ontario as well as online.  Hidradenitis & Me Infographic  HS Heroes HS Heroes (HSH) is a volunteer-run, registered, Not-for-profit organization. We are a community and resource for people living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS). HSH is dedicated to Education, Awareness, and Advocacy for;  Those currently diagnosed  Those who don’t yet have a diagnosis  Those who don’t have the illness but are caregivers, friends, or relatives of those who suffer  Health care professionals Infographic for HS Heroes Mamingwey Burn Society The Mamingwey Burn Society Inc . assists burn survivors in the province of Manitoba in their life-long recovery following a burn injury. Our mission is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for survivors, their family members, friends and caregivers to come together to share their stories, offer support and learn from one another with the end goal of encouraging healing from the psychological aspects of their unique injuries. We hold annual educational gatherings, offer monthly support groups, and hold our annual “Go for the Burn” Run as a fundraiser and a way to promote fitness and health in our community.  Mamingwey Burn Society Infographic Melanoma Network of Canada Melanoma Network of Canada (MNC)  was founded in 2009, to respond to the needs of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients in Canada. MNC is a National organization dedicated to coordinating education and prevention efforts, raising awareness, providing a strong voice for advocacy, and support services and programs for melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients and caregivers. MNC works tirelessly to develop and implement programs and offer services to meet the needs of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer patients and their caregivers from initial diagnosis, through treatment and recovery, and in case of recurrence. Melanoma Support Servoices: https://www.melanomanetwork.ca/support/  Melanoma Network of Canada Infographic  Myositis Canada Myositis Canada is a non-profit agency formed in 2015 by people with myositis who wanted an agency dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by myositis. Our mission is a world where each new case of myositis is diagnosed and cured within months, and where full rehabilitation from myositis damage is routine. MyMyositis describes inflammation or swelling of the muscle tissue. Dermatomyositis includes inflammation of the muscles and the skin. DM is the easiest type of myositis to diagnose because it typically has a visible skin rash caused by inflammation of blood vessels under the skin. The DM rash looks patchy and reddish or purple and is found on the eyelids, elbows, knees and knuckles. Additional rashes may occur on the cheeks, nose, back and upper chest. Some people also have calcinosis, hardened little bumps under the skin. There is a sub-type of DM where the person affected only suffers from inflammation of the skin with no muscle involvement.    Myositis Canada Infographic Neurofibromatosis Society of Ontario Neurofibromatosis Ontario raises awareness and supports individuals living with neurofibromatosis (NF) in Ontario. We hold meetings and social events to bring individuals with NF and speakers from the medical community together. We provide a safe environment in person and virtually through social media to provide individuals with NF an opportunity to meet others with this condition and access information.  Through donations received, we also fund NF research. Save Your Skin Foundation The Save Your Skin Foundation is a national not-for-profit organization dedicated to the areas of skin cancer and skin disease with a focus on education and awareness, research and program development, patient support, and ensuring equal and timely access to treatment for all Canadians. Please visit www.saveyourskin.ca for more information. Save Your Skin Foundation Infographic Scleroderma Association of B.C. The Scleroderma Association of B.C. promotes patient outreach, support, and education as well as creates public awareness.  We also continue to raise money for research locally and across Canada. www.sclerodermabc.ca   Scleroderma Association of BC Infographic Scleroderma Canada  Scleroderma Canada serves as an advocate nationally for those affected by scleroderma and works collaboratively with regional scleroderma organizations and the international scleroderma community to achieve common objectives. We are committed to promoting public awareness, supporting those affected by Scleroderma and funding research to find a cure.  Scleroderma Manitoba Scleroderma Manitoba advocates for the scleroderma community across the province and is committed to promoting disease awareness and improving the quality of life for all patients.  Scleroderma Manitoba Infographic  Scleroderma Society of Ontario The Scleroderma Society of Ontario  is committed to promoting increased public awareness, advancing patient wellness, and supporting research in scleroderma. Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Canada SJS Canada’s  vision is to facilitate an umbrella of services for the SJS/TEN patient community in Canada, through health promotion by providing people suffering from Stevens-Johnson Syndrome and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (SJS/TEN), their families, and caregivers with access to related counseling, education, support groups, and information programs SJS Canada Infographic  Tumour Foundation of BC The Tumour Foundation of BC is a registered nonprofit charitable organization that has been supporting individuals and families affected with neurofibromatosis since 1984. Through our support, education, and research programs we strive to improve the lives of patients and families living with this genetic disorder.  Tumour Foundation of BC Infographic A number of organizations work together with us to improve the lives of skin patients and their families in Canada. They are: Introducing AboutFace/strong> Non quam lacus suspendisse faucibus interdum posuere lorem ipsum. Ultricies integer quis auctor elit sed vulputate. Pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor aliquam nulla facilisi cras. Consectetur purus ut faucibus pulvinar elementum integer. Nunc non blandit massa enim nec. Et tortor consequat id porta nibh venenatis. Learn More Alberta Lymphedema Association Alberta Lymphedema Association Alberta Lymphedema Association Alberta Lymphedema Association Alberta Lymphedema Association

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