
Coping and Support

HS patients often comment about how their condition impacts their day-to-day life including their personal relationships, their ability to work, physical pain, scarring and the self-care necessary to simply manage the disease. Others share the impact on their loved ones. Physicians are also learning more about the condition, which in time will lower the time-gap to a diagnosis. Many of those living with HS have learned to identify their triggers. With pain being one of the most common symptoms, patients are able to do their best to avoid a flare by avoiding known triggers.

HS impacts every aspect of patient life including the ability to maintain a career and personal relationships.  A recent study indicated that two-thirds of patients with HS suffer from depression.  Pain, depression, irritability all impact an HS patient's ability to develop healthy social supports with family and friends.  On top of this, the disease has financial implications.  Many patients spend hundreds, if not thousands, per year on bandages that are not covered under their health care plan.

The chronic nature of the disease makes it a difficult burden. You may feel embarrassed or anxious about your symptoms and become withdrawn, self-conscious or depressed. Family and friends can be a tremendous help as you go through challenging times, but you may find that you need additional support. A professional counsellor will be able to suggest various coping strategies. In addition, it can be useful to reach out to others who personally understand the challenges of HS.  Hidradenitis & Me Support Group and HS Heroes are Canadian patient organizations, through them, you can connect with others who have lived a day in your shoes

Other Links:


Additional HS Resources:

Patient Summaries (Click to enlarge):

Impact on Personal Life                Impact on Work-Life                To Those Newly Diagnosed.

Patient summaries HS impact on personal life final     Patient summaries HS impact on work life final     Patient summaries To those newly diagnosed with HS final

HS Infographics and Myth Busters (Click to Enlarge):

Mythbuster final May 4 2017final     Mythbuster final May 4 2017final     Mythbuster final May 4 2017final

 Radio spots:

680 News : May 6 2017 Interview # 1                       680 News:  May 6 2017 Inteview #2


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