

If you are living with HS, or know someone who is, you may want to stay up-to-date on the condition as well as current treatments and news.  

Our Affiliate Members:

HS and Me logo                  HS Heroes logo

Other Resources

HS Report:  Scarred for Life: 2020 Update - A National Report of Patients' Experiences Living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa 

The CSPA launched Scarred for Life: 2020 Update – A National Report of Patients’ Experiences Living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa in May 2020 to provide us with more information about the HS patient experience in Canada and abroad. We invite you to read the HS Report, view videos of patients, dermatologists, and mental health professionals, and learn more about the CSPA's work to improve health outcomes and quality of life for people living with HS in Canada.


HS Wound Care Video Series


HS Patient Decision Aid

This decision aid has six steps to guide you through the process of choosing which treatment option best suits you: https://www.informed-decisions.org/hidradenitispda.php


HS Awareness Week Webinar

Canadian HS Foundation - a foundation to help Canadian dermatologists better manage HS 

Hidradenitis Suppurativa Decision Aid - a tool to help patients chose what treatment best suites them. 


Clinical Management Guidelines for HS

HS guidelines final








Impact on Personal Life                Impact on Work-Life                To Those Newly Diagnosed.

Patient summaries HS impact on personal life final     Patient summaries HS impact on work life final     Patient summaries To those newly diagnosed with HS final

HS Infographics and Myth Busters (Click to Enlarge):

Mythbuster final May 4 2017final     Mythbuster final May 4 2017final     Mythbuster final May 4 2017final

 Scarred for Life - A National Report of the Patient Experience Living with Hidradenitis Suppurativa - 2017 

 ComorbiditiesComorbidities HS English 2



 HS TED Talk - Bringing HS Out of the Dark - Jackson Gillies

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